How To Approach Improvement Planning For Your Business
We here at Lombard Accountants have learned as much as any other business that in the last year we have spent more trying to react to one crisis after another in order to keep your business afloat rather than focusing on growing and expanding the business you have worked so hard on. Every business in Ireland has experienced huge, unexpected change, a lot of it while in survival mode.
When you think about it, some of these changes forced upon our businesses were inevitable. If we think about digital transformation and hybrid working conditions, these working arrangements were simply accelerated by Covid.
Now that the vaccine has begun to be rolled out and the world is beginning to think about a post-Covid world it’s important to pause and reflect on the changes you’ve business has had to make. The process of change itself is a powerful tool we can use in our post-Covid reality, to improve our planning and resilience. It’s likely there are other new and exciting advancements that exist to help you future proof your business.
The Lombard Accountants team has researched some best practices for improving your business using the methods we have learned from operating during Covid.
1. Understanding.
First, you need awareness of what needs to change. What changes should you prioritise now you have some control back? How can you integrate these with your staff and into your business plan?
2. Believing.
Your business has to believe that change is a continuous process. It’s likely you’re craving some stability; however, growing your business requires change. Change is a lot more positive when it’s a result of proactive (not reactive) thinking. So get planning
3. Doing.
Once you have a plan, you must actually put it into action. Take that first step. Now that you’re out of survival mode, you can take it one step at a time; the momentum for change will grow. Without action, planning is pointless.
4. Accountability.
Having someone independent to hold us to account is typically a foolproof way to ensure we make a change and implement new practices. A bit like going to the gym before work… you’re more likely to show up if you have committed to a friend or paid for an instructor.
These four actions are simple and effective. Consider the area’s in your business that you would like to advance and what stage in this process you’re at. Use the above suggestions to gauge where your business is at and whats the next step in achieving your goals.
We hope these suggestions from The Lombard Accountants team offer you some solid grounding on how to move your business forward and emerge from the Covid pandemic with plenty to look forward to.
If you would like to discuss your business needs. Call Lombard Accountants on (01) 678 9960 or email
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